August 2013
Summer activities for kids of all ages!
Did you know that your local Joann Fabric store offers classes for kids ages 5 and up for things like cooking, art, and day camp. For more information on the different classes and cost, visit their website
at www.joannfabric.com.
Also www.mysummercamps.com offers information on the different types of local camps and daycares in the area. Such as Cinema camp which focuses on movie making skills or Science Adventure Camp which ranges from making rockets and telescopes to learning about the solar system and the stars.
Gardening Challenges? Think you might have clay soil?
Visit www.birdsandbloom.com and take the soil test to find out which kind of soil you have. Here are a couple of suggestions of plants that can thrive in clay soil: Aster, Daylily, and Japanese Iris. For a complete list visit their website again at www.birdsandblooms.com.
You might want to consider subscribing to this magazine for lots of gardening tips, it also talks about the different types of plants that attracts birds and humming birds. Take advantage of their blog for tips and
questions or even to offer advice for others!
Please remember for all landscaping changes, you need to submit an ARC form.