September 2014
Board Members
Congratulations to Brian Bell, who will serve for the next near as the HOA Board President, and welcome to new Board Members Mitch Spaulding (Treasurer) and Chris Gale (Secretary).
- Brian has resided at the Arbor Pointe community for over 7 years with his wife Elizabeth, daughter Maris and son Jameson. Brian has been an IT Project Manager for over 14 years. He currently works for Multnomah County, actively participating in providing systems and tools that enable county employees to better service the community.
“I grew up in a community that was friendly, diverse, full of life, and where everyone knew their neighbor, in upstate New York. I envision my kids growing up in a similar community.” - Ian grew up in the West Linn area and moved to Arbor Pointe in 2011 with my wife Sara and daughter Sophia.
“I like the feel of the neighborhood, location, and the friends we have made here. I am not a fan of the concept of HOAs, but understand the rationale for having them. As with my politics, I believe in having as small an HOA as possible, strictly limited and sharply defined HOA powers, and minimizing homeowner dues and dues increases. The freedom of the homeowner is my main consideration in any and all HOA related decisions.” - Jeff graduated from Oregon State University in 2002 and moved to the Portland area. He has successfully run an independent insurance agency, Action Insurance Company, for the past ten years. His wife, Amber, and he married in 2007 and have lived in Arbor Pointe since June of 2008. His family has been blessed with two wonderful boys, Lucas and Hunter. They are grateful to live in a friendly neighborhood of many kids and have made new friends living here.
“I volunteer on the HOA board because I want to make sure our neighborhood is set up on a course for consistent budget surplus, year-round superb landscaping, and to ensure that all issues homeowners and neighbors have expressed are answered.” - Mitch has resided in the Beaverton area for over 9 years before moving into the Arbor Pointe community in early 2010. A retired Marine veteran serving over 21 years, Mitch has held several leadership roles in the Technology Industry and has last 13 years with Nike, Inc. Mitch is currently married to Kathy and his son lives in Baltimore.
“I am thankful to be serving on the Arbor Pointe board because I feel it’s important we maximize the quality of our HOA services while protecting the value of our assets. It’s my desire to work with our community residents and deliver policies that secure our safety and welfare of the neighborhood.” - Chris is a brand new resident at Arbor Pointe. He, his wife Dawn, and their daughters arrived in mid-August, following his retirement from the U.S. Coast Guard. He currently works as a Budget Analyst.
“After moving all over the country, my wife and I are excited to make Oregon our permanent home. We have always tried to contribute to the places we’ve lived, and I look forward to meeting everybody and working to keep our neighborhood the wonderful place we were first drawn to.”
Beaverton Celebration Day
September 6th is Beaverton Celebration Day. Events include a Farmer’s Market, a 5K Fun Run and Walk, and a Pooch Parade and Celebration Parade. Details are available here.
Car Seat Clinics
Beaverton Car Seat Clinics: From 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Sept. 2nd at City Hall and Sept. 16th at Kuni Collision Center.